RTP Goliath 8 Roller Crimper

RTP Goliath 8 Roller Crimper

Current price is: $98.00. Original price was: $5,999.00.

Current price is: $98.00. Original price was: $5,999.00.

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Product Description

Goliath 8 Roller Crimper

The Goliath Crimper Roller is the perfect tool for wildlife managers wanting to mechanical kill or terminate cover crops without the use of expensive chemicals. Using the Goliath will preserve soil moisture, prevent weed growth and the terminated cover crop adds a layer of organic, slow release fertilizer at the surface of the soil where new crops can absorb the nutrients.For more information, or to purchase the Goliath 8 Roller Crimper, call or email your local Archery Country.Apply For Financing For This Item

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The Goliath Crimper Roller can be mounted on the front or rear of yourtractor, and using theweight of the machine, rolls over the cover crop, pressing it down, while the fins will crimp the cover crop plant in multiple places. This effectively cuts off the circulatory system of the plant, causing it to die. The Goliathalso lays the cover crop down flat on the ground, acting as a ‘weed protection mat’ and preventing sunlight from drying the soil.

  • Manage cover crops without chemicals, sprays or disking/tilling ground.
  • Reduce the need for herbicides in traditional no till food plots.
  • Boost the mulchingaspects of cover crops.
  • Maximize weedsuppression by rolling cover crops.
  • Preserves soil moisture by reducing evaporation.
  • More efficient way toincorporate cover crop nutrients into the top layer of soil.
  • Ground driven and designed to prevent vibrations and bouncing.
Item Specifications
  • Dimensions L x H x D:100.7″ x 35″ x 35.9″
  • Drum Width:96″
  • Hitch Type:Three-point CAT 1-3
  • Max Weight with Water:2,045 lbs
  • Vehicle Size:Min. 40 HP Tractor